Race is yet  to  finish! 


It’s my first  blog so a bit  conscious,  but  that’s fine coz as the title says race  is yet  to  finish means I have  not started  yet! 

Anyways I want  my  first  post  to  be very  motivational so that  the  rest  of the  connection  with  you  all to  be an inspiration. 

As I am in a profession to build  a nation and offcourse not by  choice.. 🙂 but now  I am into  this fraternity of being  a nation  builder  as a Teacher and enjoying it to the fullest . So,  here I am sharing  one of an inspirational connection of being  a light  house  for  my  travellers i.e my students. What’s the first  thought comes into  your  mind  by the  word lighthouse? When asked, the  answers are  really  impressive!!  The words  are source  of light  in the  sea, the one  who  shows  the  path, the source  of energy, guidance  for  astray and a firm hope  in the ocean. All these words are describing a Teacher’s  role and the  efforts  they  made which  is just  summed to  one  a lighthouse,  which  is standing still in a storm with  all the  wounds from  the  winds  and the water and many harmful and painful  things. Irrespective of all these worst circumstances the base  of a lighthouse is still strong  enough to do its  work of enlightening the  path  of others for years  and years till the  last. So a teacher  is a lifelong treasure which absorbs everything whatever  comes up in his/her life but  is always  there  for the travellers (students ) to help them to reach their  destination . I salute  to this fraternity and I am proud that  I belong  to  this and now  by  choice. 🙂 

Embrace this  treasure and enjoy  your  travel! 

And here  the  journey  begins! 


21 thoughts on “Race is yet  to  finish! 

  1. Vaibhav Nimbalkar December 8, 2017 — 1:32 am

    Really very nice. I laughed on your first line that is u were in this profession not by choice. But at the last m happy by reading that now you chosen your profession by your choice. Really very nice article dear and keep it up…….

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Some people starts not by choice but as the time passes .. it becomes the part of it life which u can’t change or don’t wanna change.. n yes lastly it ultimately becomes ur first n last choice

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Awsommmm…..a lighthouse…..soooo true yaar….feel proud to be a teacher….😇😇

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Very nice mam


  5. Very nicely written.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Very nice👍 Applied to me too. Not by choice but now loved to be teacher and realised that love from our students is one of the most precious gift we could ever receive in life.
    Keep writing..will wait for more blogs from you.😊👍

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Some people start their journey not by choice n as time moves on it becomes the essential part of ur life n ultimately becomes the best choice…
    Keep the spirit n move on.👍


  8. Too good…

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Gud one mam proud to be a teacher
    Keeping writing we want some more….


  10. Gud one mam proud to be a teacher
    Keep writing we want some more..


  11. very well written! Keep up the good work.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Very nice mam…

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Mashaallah good start. Teachers are in fact nation builder, a really noble profession. When you have realized your role as light house just be it. My good wishes. You are your words.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Inspiring Lines…. More Power to you Girl…. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Superb… Mind-blowing
    As it is your first blog we hope you write more for us
    All the best

    Liked by 1 person

  16. nicely drafted.. want to see u writing more.. keep it up.. and stay blessed..


  17. Good job.. Keep shining keep growing..long way to go…


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